Here at Burly Stone we're deep into the holiday season - you probably are too. The house is decorated, the tree is up, presents are bought, and I've had a lot of Bailey's in the last few weeks. So yes, we're filled with Christmas cheer.
What better time to start a new feature that features, and thanks, our customers. Each month we'll be interviewing one of our favorite Burly Stone Crew, and giving you a glimpse into who they are.
We can think of no better person to kick things off with than this guy. Brian is not just a customer, but he's also a friend. Also, in keeping with the season, he is a professional Santa during the holiday season - I think he looks freaking awesome when he's "in uniform". So folks, meet Brian R:
Can you give us a quick bio?
Just someone passing through. Steel fabricator by day. Living in the Boston burbs for last 23. I've been appearing as Santa Claus for 6 years. It sounds strange, but the things I get to experience (as Santa Claus) while getting paid to do it. Amazing.
What does a typical day look like for you?
It's an early morning for me, most of the time I'm out of bed and driving to work in 1/2 an hour. 6:30-5 has been the norm for a while.
How do you unwind at the end of the day, or on the weekend?
Weekend activities vary depending on the seasons. Spring, summer and fall I like to get out on the motorcycle and ride all over New England - finding simple destinations, like hearing of a great lobster burrito place in Maine that's 5 hours away, and ride up, grab lunch/dinner. Stay over and then ride back the next day. Would like to try Vermont more in 2017.
I compete in beard contests for fun, fraternity, and raising a ton of money for local charities. The World Beard And Mustache Championships will be in Austin Tx in September 2017. It will be my third time going back to Austin for beard competitions. What a blast. If you can't go it will be live streamed.
What do you do to take care of yourself?
In the last year I started to eat "better". It's been a struggle at times, but it's getting easier and I've noticed results.
Any grooming tips or secrets to share?
Well, I've got a bigger beard. I have tried many different products, and the one single thing I recommend for a larger beard is to condition it. Your beard and skin will love you for it. Guys that get to the point where their beard is itchy, condition. Let it grow.
For daily use, beard oils are good to keep your beard from drying out. Beard balms also help to tame a wilder beard with the added moisture protection.
Boxers, briefs, or commando?
Why is there never the boxer briefs option?
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